Have a mechanism to force users to change password

Submitted by: Bryan Gordon

Currently, there is no mechanism to force users to change their password.  Almost every software package that has a login has this feature along with: - Requiring certain number of characters - Not allowing the past X number of passwords - Requiring special symbols or characters Please allow FIMS to have this feature.  We need a way to enforce that users are changing their password every X number of days.

  • Guest
  • Sep 15 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 15, 2015 22:06

    We do have a way around this. We have a custom routine that sets your password based on a policy (minimum characters, minimum lower case, minimum uppercase, minimum numbers and minimum special characters) and then logs the change to a file that we use to report on in Excel.


    It would be ideal to have this system enforced as we can not monitor password history (other than making it different from the current password) and we have to manually chase down people who don't change their password on time as opposed to the system requiring them to change it.


    But it was definitely better than nothing. Happy to share if you would like the routine.