FIMS system alert when a new grant is added for a fund to profile that has an existing/open grant payable in the same fund.

We would like a function in FIMS to have an alert pop up if there is a grant payable recorded for a fund and a new grant is entered for the fund for the same organization as the existing grant payable? As an example FUNDX has a grant payable for $10 to charity Y with an anticipated payment schedule of: $2.50 payable in year 2015, $2.50 payable in year 2016, $2.50 payable in year 2017, $2.50 payable in year 2018. In 2016 the donor sends a grant request payable to charity Y from Fund X. We would like a notification to pop up alerting us to the fact that there is an open grant payable to charity y in Fund X to prompt a review of the payable.   WE understand that there is functionality in FIMS to check for duplicate grants, by using the "Check_Duplicate_Grant_Days feature but we would like functionality that is specifically targeting open grants payable. 

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  • Nov 20 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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