DonorCentral - Grant Recommend Again Auto populate Correctly

I was helping a donor with their grant history.  They wanted to make a series of grants from previous year grants.  We filtered their grant history by year in Grant History.  We picked view details on a grant they wanted to give again.  And then clicked on "Recommend Again".  It put the grantee in the the box that says "Search for a Recipient".  If I click "next" it causes and error and says that you have to put something in the box "Select Prior Recipient".  If I type in the name of the organization into that box then it will let me continue.  It seems like it should auto populate into the "Select Prior Recipient" box.  This was working fine before the two options were offered.  I like the two offerings, but would like our donors to be able to easily pick "Recommend Again" and only have to change something if they want to make a change.  I don't want them to have to re-type something that was being completed for them.  


I would love to know if this can be done and if so when it might be available.  





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  • Apr 10 2018
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